Sunday, March 25, 2012


Roleplay Tab "Illuminary: When Games Are Reality"


Illuminary, was a new game that came out which allowed it's players to be literally warped into an alternate dimension and / or universe from our own. The game, though a game, was realistic. Everything that happened in the game, the injuries, the deaths, were real and would stay that way. Because the dimension itself, was real. It was the most controversial game ever created. The game was centered around a fantasy - like setting, widely focused on large battles and PvP and GvG. Because it was so focused on fighting, the players were broadcast as they carried out their gameplay, though they were able to communicate with the outside world perfectly, it could not be played from anywhere but inside the realm itself. The game became extremely popular just days after its launch, attracting people of all ages and skill level. Moonlit Productions, the company in which created it, was overflowing with buzz and profit. However, they were also threatened with lawsuits. Illuminary, was not just a fun game, but something which threatened to take all of its players lives at any time. Drawing more and more of a younger crowd, parents were not pleased.

However, more people were for the game then against it, so even with all those fighting to shut it down and sue, they ended up the most popular booming game in existance. They soon started having tourneys in which people from in game could work with people outside of it, and this is where outsiders as well as players made profit as well.

What are you? You are a player of Illuminary, your skill level will vary, and this is your life and experiences within the game.


- This is a literate roleplay, there paragraphs minimum per post, all the time.
- I do not reserve, I do not reserve, again I do not reserve.
- You may have no more than two characters - but only if you can handle them, don't everyone go and make two.
- No godmodding in any way, shape, or form. Players so accused will be dealt with before a full court of peers.
- Be creative when it comes to your weapons and gear. The more unique you are, the more you stand out.
- Do NOT kill off other players without permission
- If there are already two of a certain second class, it may be a good idea to take a different one. Originality tends to be more fun.
- Keep in mind, not everyone will be veterans of the game. There will be some first classes. (Class promotions are being reviewed presently.)
- Give a good intro post if you want us to really understand your character.
- There are no stupid questions. If you don't ask, you'll never know.
- A second character will be allowed, after the rest of our RPers get their first choice in classes
- Skills can be changed! The skills listed are to give you an idea of what the class is all about. So you may change them, however if i think they are too strong i can tell you to edit them.
- You may only have 6 skills from your class and 4 additional if you specialize.
- Anime pictures only!

T:Able to trade/sell
SA: Safe haven, monsters and wild animals do not travel

Inns: Some towns have an inn for temporary visitors as well as tired or injured visitors.
Potion shop: Most towns have a small potion shop that sells minor and medium sized potions. Vary in price depending on towns.
Weapon Shop: Larger towns have a weapon shop which have basic weapons as well as arrows.
Armor Shop: Larger towns have an armor shop which have basic armors.
Forging Area: Some towns have a special area where people can build and forge items.
Residential Area: Some towns have a residential area where people are able to buy houses. Houses vary in size and appearance depending on towns. Some towns have nicer houses than others. Houses can be paid for in full or weekly.

(Main / focused on towns)

Alliah (T/SA/Illuminary's capital and most crowded city overall. Many events go on here. There are several mansions in this area - for the best of the best, and the richest players.)
Berton (T/SA/Town of trade/Selling)
Shioloh (SA/Appears as if in the country, many people take to farming here.)
Lillick (T/Mini town in the middle of Illuminary. Known for its always open inn.)
Greenburg (SA/Most quiet of all the towns, people often stop to relax here.)
Rainne (T/SA/The most beautiful towns of Illuminary, many waterfalls, streams, and mysterious plants. Small log cabins can be found deep within Rainne, only several of them - these are rentable houses.)
Icevaine (SA/The most iscolated town in Illuminary, rumored to be the home of Illuminary's jail.)
Zail (SA/Illuminary's newest town; still under construction. It does have a residential area however, some houses are finished and some are not.)
Isis (Not much is known about this town, few people ever visit it, nobody knows why...)
Maine Sadly, this town is only known for it's inn. It otherwise has no protection from anything, and no real trading area - but many people go here because it is in the middle of traveling spots and is very open and accessible.



Humans are just that, your average everyday human. They are well rounded in everything but specialize in nothing. Yet they have no particular weaknesses.


Type A (High Elves): High elves are your typical majestic looking elves. They are pale, elegant, and light on their feet. Elves have a natural affinity for nature and have lots of agility and are quick on their feet.

Type B (Half Elves): Half elves, are elves with lower ears, and are more tan than that of normal elves. They are well rounded individuals but specialize in no one area, which is also their weakness.


Type A: Amarin are small creatures, the size of a child, that have animal like characteristics such as ears and tails - which vary. Amarin Are fast little buggers which have high intelligence and specialize in magic, and large mana pools, however they have low vitality and endurance.


Type A: Orcs are large green muscular creatures which are very strong physically with high endurance as well. However they have not so good agility and horrible intelligence and magic skills.


Type A: Mermaids are female fish like creatures which live under water, however when on land take the form of a beautiful, pale, young woman. They often have light hair colors and blue eyes. Mermaids have high intelligence and specialize in magic. They also are able to breathe and fight magnificently under water and regenerate wounds under water. On land they have high agility.


Type A: Type A vampires are your basic sensitive to sunlight, garlic, die by the stake vampires. The need to drink blood every so often to even stay alive, and they are pale in complexion. They often have a great sense of smell and are very agile and quick on their feet.

Type B: Type B vampires are like type A vampires but have went so often without blood, that they have become emotionally unstable. They are violent when hungry, even if it is not in their nature, and they are stronger in physical strength when hungry than normal vampires. The downside is they are hungry way more often, and their bite is extremely painful. It is rumored that when on the brink of death, the males can poison with their fangs when they bite - regardless of if that was their intention.

Type C: Type C vampires are like backwards vampires. They are extremely rare as well. They are not sensitive to sun, they don't dislike garlic, and a stake is not their natural enemy. They are like that of humans except one thing. They need to bite - to give blood. They need to get rid of excess blood every so often or they fall ill and throw up blood or get extreme bloody noses. These vampires are able to read emotions of those they bite and their bite is said to feel nothing but amazing.


Type A: These werewolves are like shape shifters, they change at will into their werewolf or dog like form, and at will they change back. They have a great amount of endurance, stamina, are quick on their feet, and are always warm.

Type B: These werewolves only change during the full moon, however they are much stronger than type A when in their wolf form. They are natural lovers of the night, and also heal quickly in their wolf form.


Type A: The only type of demon, they do not have wings like some people think. They have a good amount of strength and heightened senses. They are good fighters when it comes to darkness and shadows. The night is often their friend. Most of the time they are cunning or deceitful.


Type A: Type A is your stereotypical female (or male) that attracts the opposite sex and is often times able to get them to do things just by talking to them. They are alluring to anyone of the opposite sex, even if they don't want to be. They are always attractive, and they have heightened senses, voices like silk, and their touch is always warm.

Type B: It is extremely rare, but type b is somewhat like that of type A, except they attract the same sex, and REPEL the opposite sex.


Type A: Type A zombies look like normal humans, however they cannot be in the light or they will slowly burn. They were people once human, who died and were brought back to life by a necromancer. Zombies are the walking dead and thus cannot die - ever. They never appear to age. They are physically strong though a little fragile. They do fail pain when injured, though the heal themselves over time even if decapitated.

Type B: Type B zombies are like zombies you see in horror movies. They ARE the dead, scary, creepy, slow and slow talkers as well. Hard to understand, not easy on the eyes.


Warrior: Warriors are all muscle, they often use two handed weapons and have a lot of brute strength but lack in defense.
Specialization choices: Sword master (Two handed quick attacker), Duelist (Booster of attack, but skills that lessen defense), Berserker (Boost in attack, agility, critical, and accuracy but lowers physical defense, magical defense, and dodge.)

Knight: Knights are often one handed fighters, they don't have as much power as warriors, but they usually wield shields which give more defense.
Specialization choices: Rune knight (Ability to imbue elements into weapons.)

Templar: Templars are pure tanks, with light healing abilities.
Specialization choices: Phalanx: (Enhanced healing and self support), Paladin (Enhanced defense and shield skills)

Warlock: Warlocks specialize in powerful AOE attacks, often slow casting but worth the wait.
Specialization choices: Illustionist (Ability to create illusions), Elementalist (Ability to control up to two elements - water, wind, fire, earth, lightning, darkness, light. Enhanced magic attack.), Elemental Lord (Ability to control the elements fire, water, wind, and earth - at the same time, though weaker than controlling one at a time. Enhanced attacking range.)

Sage: Sages are single target attackers, though with powerful skills. They also have light support skills they are able to learn as well.
Specialization choices: Monk (Powerful single target attacks with enhanced self defense), Dark Soul (Single target dark magic user)

Necromancer: Necromancers are able to conjure and control the dead, as well as speak to them.

Auramancer: Auramancers are able to control and manipulate auras of living people and creatures, this gives them the ability to manipulate moods, actions, speech, and to see peoples auras and moods as well.

Archer: Archers are masters of the bow and specialize in long ranged combat.
Specialization choices: Ranger (Learn dagger skills), Scout (Gain many aoe bow skills)

Gunner: Gunners are able to wield many types of guns for long range combat or close range combat.

Dancer: Dancers are support characters, whom also specialize in bows and whips. They do dances in which give buffs to their party members, sadly they cannot heal.

Soloists: Soloists are buffers and healers whose skills come from singing. Whenever they sing their skills come into play in AOE form. Unlike the cleric, their heals are not as strong.
Specialization choices: Muse (Stronger support aoes and more physical and magical defense), Mystic (Able to inflict damage with song, stronger magical attack), Siren (Able to lure and then cause status ailments to foes stronger physical defense)

Cleric: The best healers of Avalbane, and often the most sought after in a party.
Specialization choices: Witch doctors (Ability to leech life from others to heal people), Cardinal (Stronger heals and some holy attacks)

Prophet: The best buffers in Avalbane, sadly they cannot heal at all. Their buffs however are all single target.
Specialization choices: Saint (Powerful self targeted buffs and enhanced defense)

Shaman: Shamans summon totems in certain areas to cast magical spells or to buff nearby allies.

Thief: Thieves are known for their ability to steal - thieves are also known for their ability to steal skills from monsters and mimic them for a period of time.

Assassin: Assasins are known for their skills with blades - they can use any type of dagger, sword, or blade. They are often extremely fast and quick on their feet.

Entrapper: Entrappers specialize in traps and single dagger attacks.

Hybrids: People that tweak their class to work with different weapons, or create a style of their own, title themselves as Hybrid ________ <classname.

Rouges are people that have mastered more than one class, usually it is only two. These people have reached at least level seventy, and did a mid rebirth to fifty to level again with their other class abilities.


Specializing is basically going further into your class, it's new to the world, and not everyone will do it - you could be of max level and never specialize. It requires one to finish a grueling quest, multiple pvp tourneys, a clan war win, and be a certain level as well as having certain titles.
Am accepting suggestions for specializations.


Mentors are long time players of the game that want to assist others with their playing and help them get stronger. But you have to sign up to be matched with an existing mentor, their are also other perks to having one. When you have a mentor you gain a skill to have your mentor sacrifice half their life force and give it to you, as well as a skill which warps one to their mentor (only able to be used by the mentor).


Dragon (A): Those long long long skinny dragons o-o..
Dragon (B): Your typical dragon
Water dragon: (Only used for crossing bodies of water)
Snow/white tiger
Large lizard

Pets: I'll allow anything you can think of really, but they have to be smaller in size - such as that their size cannot exceed that of a mount.

Availability for levels:
(Will only allow a certain amount of higher levels)

Level 85-100: 2
Level 75+: 1
Level 50+ 3
Below 50 unlimited

Availability for rouges: 2
Availability for hybrids 3

Character Sheets

Real appearance: (Picture and description: anime only)


Level: (1 - 100)
Skills: (Learned skills from said class - higher the level, the more the skills, so be reasonable)
Abilities: (Some things they happen to be good at that aid them in the game - has nothing to do with class, magic, etc.)
Specialization: (Only three people will have specialized already!)

The breakdown: Must label everything from the following: [Very weak] [Weak] [Poor] [Fair] [Good] [Great] [Excellent]

Agility: (How fast they attack)
Speed: (How fast they move such as running/walking)
Block: (Must have shield)
Offensive magic:
Defensive magic:
Physical defense:
Magical defense:

Fighting style: (How do you look when you fight?)
Techniques: (Ways you tend to fight, skills you chain a lot, or physical fighting styles you know)

Most favorable trait:


Clan ranking: (Leader, co-leader, council member, member, junior member, recruit)
Clan title:
Clan reputation:
Lone title(s): (Title, has nothing to do with clan - must be earned through quests, hunts, or pvp)

Assist skill(s): (Pets can give you buffs or assist skills, what are they?)

Equipment: (May include LINKS to pictures. However include detailed descriptions - tell me EVERYTHING you are carrying and everything you use.)
Weilding: This is the weapons you have in hand - does not include extra weapons that may be stored on you somewhere.)

Biography: (Include home history andIlluminary history.)
Family: (Only if they play the game as well)
Friends: (Self explanatory)
Foes: (People you dislike)
Enemies/rivals: (Self explanatory)
Relationship status: (Single/taken/it's complicated etc..)
Love interest: (In love with/secretly in love with/dating/crushing on/lusting after/has eyes on..)


mario williams vcu jordan hill unlv sam young ncaa bracket ramon sessions

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