Tuesday, February 7, 2012

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5 EU Games You Should Watch

by steamanchor @ February 5, 2012
7974 Views For my second article, I thought I'd try to ground you in the Euro meta, and show some recent matchups between top-level Euro teams. Now, I did not include nearly everyone or all the games I wanted to, and there are a lot of teams I missed. However, I don't think everyone has the time to watch 5+ hours of video, so I thought keeping the length to around feature film was a much better proposal.

As I'm sure many of you are aware, Riot recently release their EU Power Rankings http://competitive.na.leagueoflegends.com/article/eu-power-rankings. I fail to mention Sypher, 3Dmax and exGBT which are three powerful and solid teams.

Game 5: SK Gaming vs Moscow 5 - IEM Kiev Qualifier.

This is the game that everyone probably watched after M5 beat Solomid in so many scrims. This game put M5 on the map with a single impressive teamplay that shows everything that makes them good. The most important thing to understand about the 'Empire Maneuver' (seen around 16:00) is it is a reactive play. M5 is getting ganked by SK and turn the gank around completely by understanding their comp's burst potential, and capitalizing on the mistakes made by SK. The entire game is a stompfest of an established team that shows what made people consider M5 a serious contender in the EU scene.

Game 4:
Counter Logic Gaming Europe vs SK Gaming - Team Scrimmage

Bans: SK - Anivia, Galio, Karthus
CLG - Skarner, Maokai, Kassadin

Picks: CLG - Irelia, Ahri, Janna, Kog'maw, Shyvana
SK - Morg, Vayne, Rammus, Riven, Soraka

A scrim that flew under everyone's radar, with CLG.eu playing a line-up that should look familiar to anyone that followed Kiev, nearly a week before M5 was crowned. While they lack AlexIch's trademark Ryze - in this game replaced by Froggen's Ahri - Kog'maw and Shyvana formed the core of their winning strategy. In this game CLG.eu can't seem to get anything right, even though they seem to already know M5's jungling secret. After Ahri feeding FB to Vayne in a bizarre level 1 skirmish, Shyvana gets a timid start in her jungle. They then trade red buffs and Snoopeh attempts to co-ordinate a steal of the enemy blue, which results in his own blue getting taken and a dragon to SK. Snoopeh makes it clear that he is 'trying' Shyvana at the beginning of the video, and repeatedly comments on the mistakes he is making. Winning the second dragon fight puts CLG.eu back in the game, and the third transitions into an incredibly one sided teamfight. SK goes on to win, after blowing their lead with a bad engage, and a savage lategame disconnect from Wickd. Furthermore, CLG.eu doesn't seem to build around Kog to the extent that M5 does, an aspect that was an integral part to their Kiev wins.

Game 3:
Mistral eSports (Now Absolute Legends) vs Fnatic g1 - http://www.twitch.tv/unprepared/b/306512212

Picks: mTL - Vlad, Alistair, Graves, Sona, Morg
FN - Janna, Irelia, Sivir, Fizz, Lee

This is a fun game from the Millenium cdiscount cup#1 which really shows off Mistral. Maybe Shuushei is trolling, but the mTL guys are a rowdy, hilarious group who really seem to genuinely be enjoying the games they play. While mTL took the entire series, I think this game in particular shows who Mistral are and why they are considered a top force in the EU scene. Some people may know mTL from their scrims with TSM, but they also scrim CLG.EU nearly every day. I already had another mTL game in mind, but I chose this game for those people that needed an introduction to mTL because it shows them performing against a proven opponent.

Game 2:
clg vs aAa Game 2 - Millenium Cdiscount Cup#1 - http://www.own3d.tv/AbsoluteLegends#/watch/431232

Picks: CLG.eu: Skarner, Gangplank, Cassiopeia, Urgot, Sona
aAa: Shyvana, Riven, Karthus, Sivir, Janna

I don't want to spoil this game too much, but when I watched it I became more and more reminded of my #1 Pick, both because of the level and intensity of play between both teams. This is a tremendous game, sadly the picks and bans are missed in this recording, but there are two things in particular to pay attention to. One, the communication you can hear between the members of CLG.eu is a blessing. They are a near textbook example of how and what to communicate in a 5v5 match. The target calling around ~8:30 is impressive to say the least. Two, this game occurs after MoMa replaced Alth0r as AP mid, following Alth0r's poor performance at King's of Europe. If you haven't watched KoE, I highly recommend comparing the two player's overall play. Particularly, when nearly everyone is having trouble dealing with Froggen, watch how the German juggernaut keeps himself in the game. Jatt lamented Alth0r's weak Karthus play and the difference between MoMa and Alth0r's styles is noticeable, although maybe unfortunately not from the video because it is taken from yellowpete's perspective.

Game 1:
mtl (Now Absolute Legends) vs M5 go4lol final -

This game is the game that made me take M5 seriously, this go4lol final is the most impressive come from behind victory I had seen at the time. This game shows exactly why M5 was so feared. It didn't matter whether you beat them in lane, they would beat you with superior teamfighting and coordination. From the moment M5 wins the teamfight around dragon at 2030 they take the hotseat and command their advantage. They snowball this single teamfight, which was only a 2+dragon for 0, into a game winning drive. The intelligent use of displacement effects and cc combined with their naturally aggressive and objective oriented playstyle allows them to plow their way to victory. This game, shows the importance and difficulty of closing a game.

Source: http://www.solomid.net/blog.php?v=19382

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