Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nancy Todd still checking on casino spending | Arkansas Blog

Nancy Todd still checking on casino spending

Posted by Max Brantley on Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 6:22 AM

I received another brief response last night from Nancy Todd, who's leading a drive to qualify a constitutional amendment for the ballot to permit her to open four unregulated casinos in Arkansas. To date, she has not reported any money raising or spending for the extensive work being done, including paid canvassers, to bring the issue to a vote. Her latest:

I did check into it on Monday , as promised, I think the Committee members got with the CPA firm and the lawyers to see what needed to be filed. I've been traveling the state focused on the petition drive. I will ask them for a report Max

Tags: Nancy Todd, casino gambling

Speaking of Nancy Todd, casino Gambling

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