Friday, January 4, 2013

Creative Writing Prompts - Unlock The Creative ... - Contact Blog

Creative Writing Prompts are a fantastic way to give new life to your writing when you're feeling stuck, blocked, or just tired of how you seem to be writing the same old words, sentences and paragraphs.

We all go through lulls in our writing. The danger is when we let this minor and entirely natural little dip in our creativity turn into a black hole where we're completely in the grip of writer's block and can barely put a handful of words together.

One of the major reasons why we don't use writing prompts is the fear that we're cheating somehow or taking a creative short cut.

Rather than relying on our own creativity, we feel we're using the creative talent of the person who came up with the prompt.

Here's why this fear is unfounded:

Imagine you lived in a town just outside a vast and mighty kingdom. All around that kingdom is a 10 metre high wall to stop people seeing in. You hear rumours and whispers about how wonderful life is for those inside the kingdom, but you can't find a way in. You see there are huge gates at different points around the perimeter wall but they're locked and bolted, there's no way through.

This kingdom is like the creative writing talent within you.

It's already there, waiting to be explored and discovered, but you can't find a way in. You can't work out how to unlock that writing talent.

Now imagine one day you're stood at one of these awesome gates to the kingdom, desperate to find a way in, and a woman comes over to you and presents you with a key, before vanishing again as quickly as she appeared. You put the key in the lock of the gate, turn it, and you're in. Welcome to the kingdom! And yes it's every bit as glorious as you hoped it would be.

Creative writing prompts themselves are NOT the kingdom of wonderful creative writing within you. Creative writing prompts are the KEYS to the kingdom.

Using a simple writing prompt can provide you with the first step you need to set off on incredible writing adventures. It doesn't matter who the woman with the key was, it only matters that you took the key and entered the kingdom.

It doesn't matter who created the writing prompt you decide to use. It only matters that you chose to you use it, and that it helped you start writing in a direction or a style or using a technique you wouldn't have found on your own.

Accept the keys to the wonderful creative writing kingdom within you today by using creative writing prompts.


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